Branding and human emotions

I found a site design, FOROALFA, which I found very interesting. There are many articles to highlight. Here one of them, written by Fabian Saucedo Baptist.

Branding and human emotions

Branding is essential to positioning the brand in the minds and emotions of the public. It is important to know and understand, but also analyze its influence on culture.

brandingEl branding focuses on the exaltation of the brand through a deep emotional connection with consumers. Through anthropological and sociological study, branding is the yearnings and aspirations that motivate consumers to create an emotional bond with the brand, identifying similar feelings in her affection and love that awakens a loved one. It is a strategy based on communication of values and attributes of a company or product through the brand. In this regard, Joël Desgrippes publicist says

"Talking about branding, not just talk about ubiquity, visibility and functionality, is to talk about an emotional connection with people in their daily lives."
